About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide continuity of care and personalized attention while building caring relationships between our Heritage family and the people we serve

Heritage Personal Care Residence
Amid the pastoral and peaceful setting of Greencastle…
We offer our residents uniquely individualized personal care services that enables independence and choice. Our comfortable family atmosphere ensures residents feel a part of daily living as a family while sharing with others who call Heritage home. Heritage is locally owned, close to home, close to family and your best alternative for individualized personal care in the area. We pride ourselves in making every resident feel like a special member of our Heritage family. We encourage families to visit often and get to know the staff and the quality of care offered at Heritage. Together we can ensure that the very best individualized care and service will be provided.
Heritage if fully licensed by the Department of Human Services. Heritage is a member of the Pennsylvania Assisted Living Association and a provider through the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Our Vision
We at Heritage will provide personal, individualized care and service and we will make a difference in the lives of those we serve. We will build caring, supportive relationships that nurture the body, mind and spirit of our clients and staff alike and we will reach out into the community to service with innovative programs and partnerships to ensure a higher quality of life

Heritage In Home Care
Close to the things they know and love…
Heritage in Home provides non-medical services to those who need some assistance in their own home. They can benefit by having a supportive and individualized care system in their own home. We take great care in developing a program that is tailored to meet specific needs. This personalized attention will give them and their family peace of mind, knowing that they can stay close to all that they love at home, with the help of Heritage in Home.
We are a member of Pennsylvania Home Care Association. We are a registered provider with the Franklin County Area Agency on Aging, Department of Veteran Affairs, VA Assist, and Community Health Choices.